Synthetic Monitoring

Simulate visitor interaction with your site to monitor the end user experience.

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Simulate visitor interaction

Identify bottlenecks and speed up your website.

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Real User Monitoring

Enhance your site performance with data from actual site visitors

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Real user insights in real time

Know how your site or web app is performing with real user insights

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Infrastructure Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Instant visibility into servers, virtual hosts, and containerized environments

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Comprehensive set of turnkey infrastructure integrations

Including dozens of AWS and Azure services, container orchestrations like Docker and Kubernetes, and more 

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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Comprehensive, full-stack visibility, and troubleshooting

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Complete visibility into application issues

Pinpoint the root cause down to a poor-performing line of code

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Log Management and Analytics Powered by SolarWinds Loggly

Integrated, cost-effective, hosted, and scalable full-stack, multi-source log management

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Collect, search, and analyze log data

Quickly jump into the relevant logs to accelerate troubleshooting

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404 – Price not found

We have just launched a campaign on the Pingdom website. Why do people use uptime monitoring? A huge reason is to know if there is a problem with their websites or servers. No one is immune against downtime, but sometimes it can be hard to explain the point of using uptime monitoring in a simple […]

Why a high monitoring resolution is important

It is becoming increasingly common for both companies and individuals to monitor the uptime (availability) of their websites and servers. That way they can be notified of problems as soon as they occur and also view how their site has performed historically. However, not all monitoring is created equal. How useful uptime monitoring will be […]

Cool customers arrive through .net

.net magazine had a special treat for all their subscribers in their 2007 summer issue: One free year of Pingdom uptime monitoring (normal price, $119.40). The .net subscribers had until the end of August to sign up on the special address provided on the flyer that came with the magazine. Now that the campaign is […]

How often is online storage offline?

This is a survey of the uptime of 16 online storage services during June – Aug 2007, showing some striking differences in availability. The service with the best uptime only had five minutes of downtime in three months, while the service with the worst uptime had more than 66 hours of downtime during the same […]

The Pingdom boot camp revisited in pictures

As we mentioned earlier, a couple of weeks ago the Serbian Pingdom team came over to Sweden to spend time with us here at the Pingdom HQ. Together we worked out the road map for the coming 12 months for the Pingdom uptime monitoring service and also had a lot of fun on the side. […]

Apple Store down: How to easily know when it’s back

During yesterday’s keynote Apple presented new iPods that got all Apple fans excited, including us. New versions of Shuffle, Nano and Classic and the totally new iPod Touch which is basically the iPhone without the phone part. As always when Apple introduces new products they take down their online Apple Store while they do the […]

Ad mania à la Firefox

We wrote about the results of our Firefox campaign a couple of days ago. In short, a free offer made lots of people switch web browsers to Firefox. We had expected that a lot of people would install Firefox and come back to our website to be able to be able to sign up for […]

Pingdom HQ is moving? Check this out.

A friend of ours was out driving the other day and came across this sign. Pingbo, we now know, is a tiny village a good part north of our current HQ in Sweden. A very handsome name indeed, considering the similarities to Pingdom, but too bad the infrastructure and communications probably aren’t very good. Above: […]

It’s never a good sign if your flight makes the News

No trip is complete without at least one major incident. (Murphy’s Law in action, once again.) When our visiting Serbian team took off from Arlanda airport this Tuesday to return home, it turned out that the transponders on the airplane were broken. Those are the things that make the plane visible to the flight control […]

Pingdom boot camp – Planning the coming 12 months

Last Friday, seven guys from Pingdom’s Serbian development team came to visit us here in Sweden. What followed were four intensive days with a lot of work but also a lot of fun. Some of us hadn’t met before, so it was great getting to know everyone in person. What was on the agenda? Plan […]

Firefox campaign converted IE users?

Congratulations to the 1,000 Firefox users who managed to land themselves a whole year of Pingdom uptime monitoring for free in our campaign last week. (Yes, all 1,000 accounts disappeared like butter in sunshine.) Interestingly enough, when we analyzed our web server logs we noticed that 23 percent of the people that visited the Pingdom […]

Firefox user? Save $120 and get FREE uptime monitoring

If you sign up for Pingdom uptime monitoring using a Firefox browser you will get a whole year for free (saving you $119.40). The offer is valid until Saturday. Sounds interesting? Visit the Pingdom sign-up page! (You don’t need a credit card.) We are celebrating the successful release of our Mr Uptime Firefox extension by […]

What nine of the world’s largest websites are running on

Have you ever wondered what technology some of the really big websites use? The likes of Digg, YouTube, Myspace and so on? There is a very interesting website called High Scalability that is dedicated to, as they put it themselves, “building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.” They collect information about the architecture of high-traffic websites […]

The 20 most expensive domain names and where they lead

That domain names have become big business isn’t news to anyone. It is often likened to a virtual real estate business where millions of dollars are at stake. We were curious to see how the most expensive domain names are actually being used today, so we decided to find out. Kate Donahue from Sedo was […]

The making of Mr Uptime

This blog entry will let you in behind the scenes of how Mr Uptime was created, from idea to development, and how the idea was realized from start to finish in less than 200 man hours. The idea As with many ideas, the idea of Mr Uptime was born out of a problem. The problem […]

Free Pingdom to .net magazine subscribers

.net magazine is offering all their subscribers one year of free uptime monitoring from Pingdom, worth $119.40. The offer is included in issue 166 (summer 2007) which should already have landed in your mailbox if you are a subscriber. Look at the insert included with the magazine to get information on how to claim your […]

Mr Uptime certified 100% clean by Softpedia

Mr Uptime (Pingdom’s brand new Firefox extension) has been certified 100% clean by the popular software library and download service Softpedia, one of the top 500 sites in the world according to Alexa. From the Softpedia website: Softpedia guarantees that Mr Uptime is 100% CLEAN, which means it does not contain any form of malware, […]

Mr Uptime launch a total success

We released Mr Uptime, our new Firefox extension, to the public last Friday. Only three days ago, in other words, and the launch has already been a great success. Google tells the story – from 0 to 11,000 in 3 days. Before last Friday, doing a Google search for “Mr Uptime” would barely give you […]

First Firefox extension from Pingdom

Sometimes websites don’t respond or have other problems. We got tired of missing cool articles and websites for this reason, and then not remembering to revisit them later. That is why we created a Firefox extension that will tell you when a broken website is working again. The problem: There is an annoying problem that […]

Data center power usage up 240 percent

Power consumption continues to be a major cost (and general head ache) for data centers. The latest numbers come from a consulting firm called the Uptime Institute. Even though server hardware energy efficiency has improved, it is being offset by the continuous increase in computing power. According to the report, computational performance in servers has […]

Introduction to Observability

These days, systems and applications evolve at a rapid pace. This makes analyzi [...]

Webpages Are Getting Larger Every Year, and Here’s Why it Matters

Last updated: February 29, 2024 Average size of a webpage matters because it [...]

A Beginner’s Guide to Using CDNs

Last updated: February 28, 2024 Websites have become larger and more complex [...]

The Five Most Common HTTP Errors According to Google

Last updated: February 28, 2024 Sometimes when you try to visit a web page, [...]

Page Load Time vs. Response Time – What Is the Difference?

Last updated: February 28, 2024 Page load time and response time are key met [...]

Monitor your website’s uptime and performance

With Pingdom's website monitoring you are always the first to know when your site is in trouble, and as a result you are making the Internet faster and more reliable. Nice, huh?

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