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7 tech comics that will put a big smile on your face

Sometimes you just need to take a short break, relax and have fun. A great way to do so is to check out some funny web comics, and we here at Pingdom are big fans of comics that dive into the slightly more geeky aspects of life. Once a tech geek, always a tech geek…
So, sit back and relax, take a few moments to yourself and check out some of the best tech comics around.

The PC Weenies

By Krishna Sadasivam.
The PC Weenies covers tech, engineering, IT and software development (in other words: a wide array of tech geekery) in an original and very funny way. Not to mention that it’s beautifully drawn as well.

Read more of The PC Weenies.


By Brad Fitzpatrick and Chris Pirillo.
bLaugh calls itself “the un-official comic of the blogosphere”, which is a suitable description. There is plenty of satire and comedy to be found here. It’s not being updated anymore but there’s a rich archive of very funny stuff. (The Yoda strip at the upper right corner of this poster is also from bLaugh.)

Read more of bLaugh.

User Friendly

By J.D. “Illiad” Frazer.
User Friendly is pure geek humor guaranteed to make you smile. It’s been featured in many computer magazines and websites around the world.

Read more of User Friendly.


By Heyoka.
Kopozky is a quality comic about the everyday life in a web design agency, featuring the archetypal boss, administrator, copywriter, designer, developer, etc. It hasn’t been updated for a while now, but there’s plenty of fun to be found in the archive.

Read more of Kopozky.

Geek and Poke

By Oliver Widder.
Geek and Poke is full to the brim with satirical observations of the IT industry and general Web trends.

Read more of Geek and Poke.


By Kevin Cheng and Tom Chi.
OK/Cancel focuses on issues related to usability and interface design, and makes fun of everything from usability specialists, interaction designers, industrial designers, and more. It hasn’t been updated in a while, but there’s a big archive.

Read more of OK/Cancel.

The Joy of Tech

By Nitrozac and Snaggy.
The Joy of Tech follows the latest tech trends with its own strangely appealing, almost instruction manual-like comic strips. Funny stuff!

Read more of The Joy of Tech.

Wait, here are 7 more funny tech comics!

Here are some other great comics you might also like to check out that definitely fall within the tech geek category.
Each one links to a strip we thought was a little bit extra funny. 🙂

  • Glitchtown by Rasmus Pettersson. Funny stuff about the good old Internet. (The author is actually Swedish, in other words a fellow countryman to us here at Pingdom!)
  • InkTank by Barry T. Smith. Lots of IT-related fun.
  • Penny Arcade by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. One of the all-time great web comics. Mostly focused on gaming, but there is plenty of general geekery in there as well.
  • Comics by Randy Glasbergen. This is not a regular web comic, but there’s a big archive with IT-related comic strips that are really funny.
  • Help Desk by Christopher B. Wright. Fun perspectives on tech and above all, tech support. One of the first web comics (it started in 1996).
  • Bug Bash by Hans Bjordahl. Can software development be funny? Yes it can!
  • Dilbert by Scott Adams. The granddaddy of all geeky tech comics. You didn’t think we’d forget this one, did you? 🙂

We’re sure to have missed some good ones, so if you know of other funny and geeky tech comics, please share!

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