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The blog platforms of choice among the top 100 blogs

We all know that WordPress is popular among bloggers, and Movable Type as well. But HOW popular? And what other platforms are being used? To find out, we went through the Technorati top 100 blogs and investigated what blog platforms they are using. It turned out to be a highly interesting survey with plenty of surprises along the way.
As a by-product we also found out some interesting things about the more popular blog networks. For example, did you know that Weblogs, Inc. and Gawker Media together have 22 of the top 100 blogs?
When you read this article, you might want to keep in mind that we have chosen to make a distinction between blogging services and self-hosted blog software.

  • By blogging services we mean services like Typepad, and Blogger, where a third-party service is handling the blog software and hosting for you.
  • By blog software we mean the software you use when you set up and host the platform yourself (using WordPress, Movable Type, etc).

Now let’s get on to the data.

Overall blog platform statistics – the lowdown

Before we dive into details further down, here is a diagram so you can get a quick overview of which blog platforms (and CMS) are the most popular among the top 100 blogs.
(You can find a list of all the blogs and their blog platforms (or CMS) at the bottom of the article.)

Blog software (self-hosted)

We found that WordPress is the most-used platform among self-hosted blogs, which perhaps isn’t a huge surprise. It has more than twice as many blogs in the top 100 as Movable Type, the blog platform that came in second place.

  • WordPress is used by 27 blogs in the top 100.
  • Movable Type is used by 12 blogs in the top 100.
  • Only 8 of the top 100 blogs use a custom-made blog platform.
  • Drupal is the only general-purpose CMS with any presence worth mentioning, with 4 blogs in the top 100.

An interesting side note is that very few WordPress blogs in the top 100 have updated to WP 2.7 so far.

Blogging services

Though WordPress is more popular among the self-hosted blogs than Movable Type, the situation is reversed when it comes to the blogging services based on these blog platforms. Typepad (based on Movable Type) is more popular than (based on WordPress). Blogger comes in at third place.
That’s at least if you count the commonly available blogging services. If you also count the AOL-owned Blogsmith that is used by Weblogs, Inc., that ends up having almost as many blogs in the top 100 as Typepad, leaving and Blogger in a distant third and fourth place.
Traditional media like Entertainment Weekly, CNN and Wired often use blogging services for their blogs, and most seem to have chosen Typepad.

  • More than one third of the top 100 blogs use a blogging service.
  • Typepad is used by 16 blogs in the top 100.
  • Blogsmith is used by 14 blogs in the top 100.
  • is used by 5 blogs in the top 100.
  • Blogger is used by 3 blogs in the top 100. (Including, of course, The Official Google Blog.)

WordPress and Movable Type as a whole

If you combine the hosted and self-hosted versions of WordPress and Movable Type (i.e. include and Typepad as well), they dominate, claiming 60 of the top 100 blogs.

  • WordPress + have 32 of the top 100 blogs
  • Movable Type + Typepad have 28 of the top 100 blogs.

Blog networks

Something we noticed while going through the top 100 blog list at Technorati is that two big blog networks have taken a large chunk of the top 100 blogs. In addition to these, Wired has created a small blog empire of its own.

  • AOL-owned Weblogs, Inc. has 14 blogs in the top 100. All use Blogsmith as a blog platform.
  • Gawker Media has 8 blogs in the top 100. Gawker Media uses its own, custom-made blog platform for its blogs.
  • Wired’s blogs are plentiful as well. There are 9 Wired blogs in the top 100, all using Typepad.

The top 100 blogs and their blog platforms

We have sorted the list by blog platform, largest first.

Top blog platforms
Blog name Technorati rank Platform
Perez Hilton 18 WordPress
Problogger 46 WordPress
Chris Brogan 69 WordPress
Zen Habits 77 WordPress
Copyblogger 89 WordPress
Think Progress 27 WordPress
VentureBeat 56 WordPress
/Film 80 WordPress
Global Voices Online 95 WordPress
The Caucus Blog – NYTimes 22 WordPress
Bits Blog – NYTimes 51 WordPress
Freakonomics – NYTimes 70 WordPress
Pajamas Media 45 WordPress
Just jared 86 WordPress
Smitten Kitchen 97 WordPress
Hot Air 48 WordPress
Neatorama 59 WordPress
TechCrunch 2 WordPress
Smashing Magazine 10 WordPress
Washington Wire – WSJ 38 WordPress
Michelle Malkin 39 WordPress
Daily Blog Tips 63 WordPress
Yanko Design 81 WordPress
Mashable 11 WordPress
Roy Tanck’s weblog 20 WordPress
CrunchGear 49 WordPress
Delicious:days 99 WordPress
Popwatch 76 Typepad
Seth’s Blog 14 Typepad
The Daily Dish 21 Typepad
Threat Level – Wired Blogs 24 Typepad
Gadget Lab – Wired Blogs 26 Typepad
Wired Science – Wired Blogs 31 Typepad
The Pioneer Woman 32 Typepad
Listening Post -Wired Blogs 52 Typepad
Political Radar 53 Typepad
The Underwire – Wired Blogs 57 Typepad
Epicenter – Wired Blogs 60 Typepad
Danger Room – Wired Blogs 61 Typepad
Geekdad – Wired Blogs 71 Typepad
How to Change the World 73 Typepad
Marginal Revolution 82 Typepad
Game | Life – Wired Blogs 93 Typepad
Engadget 4 Blogsmith
TMZ 23 Blogsmith
Joystiq 25 Blogsmith
BloggingStocks 29 Blogsmith
TUAW 30 Blogsmith
Cinematical 33 Blogsmith
Gadling 36 Blogsmith
Download Squad 37 Blogsmith
TV Squad 40 Blogsmith
Autoblog 43 Blogsmith
Slashfood 47 Blogsmith
Luxist 85 Blogsmith
Engadget Mobile 94 Blogsmith
Engadget Japanese 100 Blogsmith
Power Line Blog 96 Movable Type
Huffington Post 1 Movable Type
Talking Points Memo 35 Movable Type
Gothamist 66 Movable Type
Beppe Grillo’s Blog 74 Movable Type 78 Movable Type
Microsiervos 79 Movable Type
Stereogum 91 Movable Type
TreeHugger 28 Movable Type
Pharyngula 92 Movable Type
ReadWriteWeb 15 Movable Type
Boing Boing 5 Movable Type
Gizmodo 3 Gawker Media platform
Lifehacker 6 Gawker Media platform
Gawker 12 Gawker Media platform
Kotaku 34 Gawker Media platform
Consumerist 50 Gawker Media platform
Valleywag 67 Gawker Media platform
Defamer 87 Gawker Media platform
Deadspin 88 Gawker Media platform
Apartment Therapy 65 Custom
Seeking Alpha 72 Custom
Ars Technica 9 Custom
The Corner on NRO 44 Custom
Google Blogoscoped 58 Custom
MacRumors 75 Custom
A List Apart 83 Custom
Ben Smith’s Blog 41 Custom
GigaOM 55
I Can Has Cheezburger? 13
CNN Political Ticker 17
Scobleizer 84
Swampland – TIME 90
Dooce 42 Drupal
NewsBusters 62 Drupal
Crooks and Liars 64 Drupal
43 Folders 98 Drupal
The Official Google Blog 7 Blogger
PostSecret 16 Blogger
The Sartorialist 54 Blogger
Glenn Greenwald – 68 Bricolage
Gigazine 19 Expression Engine
Daily Kos 8 Scoop

Final words

Gathering this data wasn’t entirely trivial. In many cases you can see directly from the HTML source what blog platform or CMS is being used, and in the cases that won’t work there’s always Google, but sometimes we ended up having to email the site owner for information. We hope you found the resulting collection of data interesting.
It’s always nice to get some actual facts and figures, isn’t it? 🙂 Now we know for sure what the current situation is for the various blogging platforms, at least among the largest blogs.
We are sure there are plenty of ways to analyze this information that we haven’t thought of. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments.
And what is your favorite CMS or blog platform? We use WordPress for Royal Pingdom.

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