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Where Yahoo still beats Google

Yahoo!It’s no secret that Yahoo has seen brighter days and that Google has come to utterly dominate the Web in a way that Yahoo just can’t compete with anymore.

But lo and behold, there are still some places where Yahoo is ranked higher than Google. They’re few and far between, but they do exist, and in some pretty big markets, too.

Where Yahoo is getting more traffic than Google

We looked at the top-ranking websites for a ton of countries to compare rankings between Yahoo’s and Google’s websites. So without further ado, here is where Yahoo still gets more traffic than Google:

  • Japan – In Japan, the localized version of Yahoo,, is ranked as number one in the country, followed by Google’s localized in second place. Yahoo is big in Japan. To get an idea of how big, check out the chart a bit further down.
  • The Philippines – In the Philippines, is ranked in second place (after Facebook) and is followed by in third place.
  • Taiwan – In Taiwan, is ranked number one, with showing up in fourth place.
  • Hong Kong – In Hong Kong, is ranked number one, with in third place.

One thing that jumps out is that all of these places are in Asia. Wherever you look in Western countries, Google is usually in the top two, with Yahoo either in the top five or top ten (or in even more meager cases, top twenty).

Big in Japan

As we said, Yahoo has a very strong presence in Japan. For perspective, just look at how the global traffic to compares with the traffic the Japanese version of Yahoo is getting. These are traffic estimates, not absolute numbers, but it should still give you a decent frame of reference.

Traffic to and
There is a certain irony that this chart is provided by Google.

So, we have established that Google isn’t beating Yahoo everywhere. Just in most places. That said, Google’s main competitor for global web traffic these days is Facebook, not Yahoo.

A small disclaimer: We’re just comparing single websites, not the combined services and websites owned by the respective companies. For example, in some countries it’s possible that the combined traffic for and the localized version of Google might have ranked Google higher. The same goes for Yahoo, of course.

Data sources: Traffic rankings from Alexa. Chart from Google Trends for Websites.

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