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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

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Log Management and Analytics Powered by SolarWinds Loggly

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The Asian approach to web hosting site design

There is no denying that there are some significant cultural differences between East and West. Since we here at Pingdom deal a lot with web hosting companies and are generally interested in the hosting industry, we have on occasion stumbled upon some Asian hosting websites which to our Western eyes have a very different look (and not just because we can’t read a word 😉 ).

This post has screenshots of some interesting examples from Japan, China and South Korea. The designs are sometimes strikingly different from what you would expect to see from a Western hosting company website, and often quite charming.

Colors and cartoons

Keep it colorful… very colorful. And don’t forget the happy cartoon characters (leprechauns, anyone?)

Screenshot from (Japan)

Screenshot from (Japan)

Screenshot from (South Korea)

Cram in a LOT of information

We don’t understand a word of this, but that looks like a lot of information crammed into one page…

Screenshot from (South Korea)

Screenshot from (Japan)

Cute animals

Cute animals and puppies seem to work well all over the world, including China and Japan.

Screenshot from (China)

Screenshot from (Japan)

Some other general observations

  • For us in Europe at least, websites in China, Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries tend to load really slowly.
  • You basically can’t find a Chinese hosting website that doesn’t offer some form of live support chat.
  • Did we mention that we really don’t understand a word on these websites?

And before anyone makes this comment: There are of course plenty of examples where the hosting website looks more or less like a conventional Western website. But that wouldn’t have been much fun to look at, would it? 😉

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