Synthetic Monitoring

Simulate visitor interaction with your site to monitor the end user experience.

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Simulate visitor interaction

Identify bottlenecks and speed up your website.

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Real User Monitoring

Enhance your site performance with data from actual site visitors

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Real user insights in real time

Know how your site or web app is performing with real user insights

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Infrastructure Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Instant visibility into servers, virtual hosts, and containerized environments

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Comprehensive set of turnkey infrastructure integrations

Including dozens of AWS and Azure services, container orchestrations like Docker and Kubernetes, and more 

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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Comprehensive, full-stack visibility, and troubleshooting

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Complete visibility into application issues

Pinpoint the root cause down to a poor-performing line of code

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Log Management and Analytics Powered by SolarWinds Loggly

Integrated, cost-effective, hosted, and scalable full-stack, multi-source log management

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Collect, search, and analyze log data

Quickly jump into the relevant logs to accelerate troubleshooting

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Welcoming Anders Ekman, new support technician at Pingdom

Anders Ekman, support technician at Pingdom

Pingdom would like to take this opportunity to introduce the latest addition to our geeky team. Anders Ekman has joined us as support technician.

Anders comes from Sala, a town not far from the Pingdom HQ in Västerås, Sweden. His older brother got him inspired and curious about computers at an early age, and he wanted to figure out what goes on inside the box, how it all works.

In high school Anders specialized in IT, which was the perfect choice for him, he says. But after school he wanted to see the world, and looked for IT-related jobs all over the place.

He ended up in Ireland, doing support for a large international tech company. After six months in Ireland, Anders felt that he had experienced most of what the job and the place had to offer and he headed back to Sweden, and now Pingdom.

At Pingdom, Anders will be working as a support technician, very much drawing upon his experience from Ireland. His days will be filled with answering emails, taking phone calls, and overall sorting out any issues, which Pingdom customers may experience.

In between the support calls and emails, Anders will go hunting for some good Mexican food. That’s one of the few things he says he’ll miss from Ireland.

We still have open positions

So today we’re welcoming Anders to Pingdom, where he’ll dig right in to his support duties. But even though Anders just joined Pingdom we’re still looking for more super geeky and fun coworkers to join our growing team.

You could be a key component in accomplishing our mission of making uptime and performance monitoring even easier and more available to the entire world. Besides, you will have a choice of what crazy maxed out and packed computer you want to run – Linux, Mac, or Windows.

If you would like to find out more about the positions available, head over to our career site for all the details. It’s in Swedish, as you might imagine.

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Monitor your website’s uptime and performance

With Pingdom's website monitoring you are always the first to know when your site is in trouble, and as a result you are making the Internet faster and more reliable. Nice, huh?



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