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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

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Complete visibility into application issues

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Log Management and Analytics Powered by SolarWinds Loggly

Integrated, cost-effective, hosted, and scalable full-stack, multi-source log management

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Gallery of Network Operations Centers

A Network Operations Center rests at the heart of every telecom network or major data center, a place to keep an eye on everything.

Some of these NOCs are really “dressed to impress”, while others have taken a more mundane approach.

So, for inspiration, here is a set of pictures of different NOCs from telecom companies and data centers (and one content delivery network) that we here at Pingdom have collected from around the internet.

Dressed to impress

These NOCs are obviously designed to impress visitors on top of being useful. We don’t even dare to think what it cost to build some of these (especially the one from AT&T).

AT&T’s Global NOC in Bedminster, New Jersey

Reliance Communications’ NOC in India
Reliance NOC

Lucent’s Network Reliability Center in Aurora, Colorado (1998-99)
Lucent Network Reliability Center

Conexim’s NOC in Australia
Conexim NOC

Akamai’s NOC in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Akamai NOC

Slightly more discreet

While still impressive on a smaller scale, these NOCs have taken a slightly more conventional approach. We noticed a divide here. Data centers tend to have more scaled-back NOCs while telecom companies often fall in the “dressed to impress” category, perhaps partly due to having more infrastructure to monitor than the average data center (and shareholders).

Easy CGI’s NOC in Pearl River, New York

Ensynch’s NOC in Tempe, Arizona
Ensynch NOC

TWAREN’s NOC (Taiwan Advanced Research & Education Network)

The Planet’s NOC in Houston, Texas
The Planet NOC

KDL’s NOC in Evansville, Indiana

And the not-flashy-in-the-least award goes to…

The people at Rackspace are apparently not big on the flashy stuff at all.

Rackspace’s NOC in San Antonio, Texas
Rackspace NOC

Image sources:

AT&T NOC from AT&T, Reliance NOC from Suraj, Lucent NOC from Evans Consoles, Conexim NOC from Conexim, Akamai NOC from Akamai via Bert Boerland’s blog, Easy CGI NOC from Easy CGI, Ensynch NOC from Ensynch, TWAREN NOC from TWAREN, The Planet NOC from The Planet’s blog, Rackspace NOC from Naveenium, KDL NOC from Kentucky Data Link.

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